Welcome to The Pin To Win It With Customizo Event!
Add at least 5 sentences about your thoughts on the Customizo website, Pinterest Parties or how great it would be to make and customize clothing like those on Customizo.
Customizo is an innovative group of sites that help groups with apparel and product design, collaboration and purchasing. With their design tools, group collaboration platform, mobile content integration and centralized hub of fully customizable artwork templates, creating and designing, bringing your designs to life is easy.
Here is your chance to win all 5 pieces of clothing that you "Pinned" to your own Cutomizo Board! For your chance to win, follow the simple steps below:
1 - Follow Customizo on Pinterest AND The Review Wire on Pinterest Create and Design 5 Items from the Pinterest Party Category on Customizo.com. Use one of the free templates or upload your own artwork to customize your items. Save your designs and grab the Share link to post to Pinterest, you will have to create an account to do this.3 - Create a Pinterest board and title it "Customizo Fashion" or "Customizo Custom Designs." Make sure to tag each pin with #Customizo!
4 - Come back and fill out the Giveaway Tools Form with your direct link to your Custom Customizo Board!
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