My Entry for Sedona Lace 12 piece brush set giveaway for BLOGGERS!

Hello everyone, this is my entry for why I should win a Sedona Lace 12 piece Make up Brushes . I have never tried the makeup up brush or any other products by Sedona Lace before. However, I have seen many reviews on Youtube regarding the Sedona Lace Cosmetic Brushes which are all really positive. This makes me really want to try the brushes most of all. To start my favorite color is pink as you can tell by my blog and youtube channel ;). I also have been seeking out a new set of brushes that are high quality to use in my videos aside from my Sigma brushes. I happen to do product reviews so if I win this brush set will be receiving an in-depth product video. I'm without a way to purchase these brushes is the only reason I haven't invested in them yet. Currently, I'm a stay at home mother of 3, so I don't have very much spare cash to spend on luxuries. Good luck to everyone that enters this contest and I hope you choose me as the winner!

Extra Entries:
1 - I added all 3 hyperlinks
2 - I posted a link to this giveaway towards the bottom of my blog
1 - Following you on twitter @CountessCarnage
1 - Friend on Facebook Taura Bryan - link MissCountessCarnage
1 - Friend on Fan Page Taura Bryan - link MissCountessCarnage
1 - Following on Youtube  - Youtube

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